I think can still do this.
After work doodle.
Goodnight doodle.
Still getting used to this tablet, its hard.
This month has been quite a heavy one. Hug your pets for me.
The Big world #3
Shadow Figures.
Trying to do free hand inking. I'm not very good at traditional art so this very hard.
The big world #2
The big world #1
Hands are quite challenging to draw.
I've made it to another weekend. I hope your weekend is going well!
Don't worry, someday your skill set will be worth it!
I have a really bad headache.
Some birds from memory. I drew these on my break at work. I should study more birds.
Small home. (It's officially my birthday month!)
Delivering the dead
Happy 420!
i tried fixing this, but i couldn't so this is what it looks like
blah blah.
in a box.
Might be obsessed with him.
In my head.
Ghost and I
It rained heavily today. I'll need to cut the grass soon
This was drawn on stream. It was really fun, to draw and chat with yall
Panpanya always draws really cool pigeons, I wanted to try myself.
Did a stream doodling and this is one of the doodles.
The weird and spectacular.
Thank you for inspiring the world, Akira Toriyama. Rest in peace.
Sometimes I wish that I was a cat.
One of my favorite demons
This month is going by fast.
Valentine's day
Wander. Happy Friday!
Would you eat this blob?
New year.
DANDADAN IS GETTING ADAPTED!! so cool. Can't wait.
Pluto was a wonderful adaptation.
I'm camping this weekend.
The days are getting dark at 5pm again.
Please live life to the fullest, and be a helpful and kind person.
I got depressed and distracted. My humanity is slowly coming back again tho.
Eventually I'll make a page 2 for this art page. I'm way too lazy.
Trying to use other programs then just mspaint again. Turns out I still need practice... but learning is fun.
Art has been kicking my ass lately.
I hope you're having a lovely day.
Please read chainsaw man part 2.
I'm craving candy this week.
Rena is the character of all time.
An old piece from last year. One of my favorites.
I don't think about the future much anymore. It doesn't scare me like it used to.
In the void.
You ever felt so fucking lost before? Completely discarded from your own self. Days like those are so agonizing.
I couldn't have a horse like Epona in this life, but this bike will do.
I've recently got a bike from my friend. I've been a bit of a shut in lately
so I wanted something to get me active. With a bike you can basically go anywhere.
I've noticed my town actually has way more to offer. It's been uplifting.
Spotted them on my walk, I had to draw them. Wonderful creatures.
At the art gallery I stared at these pictures for hours. I didn't understand what I was looking at.
I felt I was completely burnt with art before I made this.
It felt good to finally get something on paper and conquer art block.
Never really seen snow. Well, there are pictures of me when I was a kid in the snow.
but I just don't recall it. The memory is fuzzy.